Radio button


Radio buttons allow the user to select one option from a set. Only one can be selected at a time.

Stylized artwork of radio buttons on a list.


Radio button diagram with 2 elements numbered: 1. Radio checkbox, 2. Label.
  1. Radio checkbox
  2. Label



A label is required for all radio buttons. They should be as short as possible.

A Label to the right of a radio checkbox.


There are two sizes available. Large is the default and is preferred on smaller screens. The smaller radio button can be used for dense layouts, but are less tap-friendly.

A small radio button sits above a large radio button.


A radio button can be either selected or unselected. There are no indeterminate states for radio buttons.

An unselected radio button sits above a selected radio button.


A radio button can be disabled if there is a prerequisite to activate.

A small disabled radio button sits above a large disabled radio button.


Label overflow

Labels will wrap if they are wider than the parent container. The radio button remains aligned to the top of the text box.

A small radio button with label overflow spanning two lines sits above a large radio button with label overflow spanning two lines.

Group labels

Radio buttons cannot be standalone. They should always be contained within a set of at least two items. The group title is required to clarify how the options are related and what decision is being made.

‘Choose a payment method’ section groups two radio buttons: Credit card and Paypal. The Credit card radio button is unselected, while the Paypal button is selected.



Android uses the native Material radio buttons for improved support and accessibility.

A ‘How should we contact you section’ on eBay mobile Android shows two radio buttons in native Material design format.


iOS devices use the large Evo radio button.

A ‘How should we contact you section’ on eBay mobile iOS shows two radio buttons in large eBay Evo design format.


Web uses the large and small Evo radio buttons depending on screen size and content density.

Two small radio buttons are group in an ‘Interested buyers’ section on a larger eBay screen.

Best practices


Radio buttons should only be used when a single element can be selected.

A ‘Choose app theme’ section with three large radio buttons: Light, Dark, and System settings. The System settings radio button is selected, while the Light and Dark radio buttons are unselected.

Don’t use radio buttons when multiple options can be applied simultaneously.

A ‘Choose a color’ section with three large radio buttons: Yellow, Orange, and Black. The Orange and Black radio buttons are selected, while Yellow radio button is unselected.


Small and large radio button specs are shown. Small radio button specs: the height of the radio checkbox is 18px, the space between the radio checkbox and label is 12px. Large radio button specs: the height of the radio checkbox is 24px, the space between the radio checkbox and label is 16px.

Change log

Sep, 2024
  • Updated to eBay Evo
Jan, 2023
  • Added keyboard focus specs
Jan, 2022
  • Updated on state to use core.neutral.7