

Chips represent discrete input values.

  • Skin
  • CoreUI
  • React
Stylized artwork of chips in a combobox.



A chip represents a single value.


Chips provide a stronger visual distinction between values by containing them in their own shapes.


Chips indicate that the input is verified and submittable.


Chip diagram with 3 elements numbered: 1. Title, 2. Remove button, 3. Container.
  1. Title
  2. Delete button
  3. Container



All chips have a title to represent the value entered or selected.

Chip with distinct title.



A hover state appears over the chip’s delete button.

A cursor hovers over the delete button on a chip.

Plain text conversion

On native platforms, characters can be typed in plain text and converted to a chip by hitting the ENTER key or selecting a filtered value from a list.

Empty combobox and a filled combobox with a single chip.


Chips within a text field wrap to a new line when reaching the edge of the text box. The cursor wraps to a new line when the first chip is added.

A plain text combobox, a combobox with a single chip, and a combobox with multiple chips.


Only valid entry values convert to chips. If a value fails validation, it should remain as plain text until corrected or deleted. Focusing away from an input field removes invalid values. Existing chips within the field remain.

Combobox with a single chip and a value being entered.

Removing chips

Chips are removed by pressing (or holding) the BACKSPACE key within an empty input field or activating the delete button.

The tap target on a delete button of a chip is emphasized, as well as a backspace function to also remove a chip.

Min width

Chips have a minimum width of 56px.

A chip with a width of 56px.

Max width

Chips have a max width of 320px before the title is truncated. If chips are nested within an input field that is narrower than 336px then they will extend the full width of the field minus padding.

A chip with a width of 320px.

Popover options

Input fields with chips leverage the same behavior as comboboxes:

  • The popover appears automatically when the user starts typing in the input field, or when they focus on the input field.
  • The popover is filtered as the user types, so that only the options that match the user's input are displayed.
  • If no option exists, and the field allows for custom values, then the value is created and added to the list.
  • When an element is selected and added as a chip to the field, that item is removed from the list.
  • Options within the popover can be grouped and organized as necessary.
Popover list is shown in combobox.

Screen sizes


Editing and selecting chips within a field on compact screens launches a fullscreen overlay.

A fullscreen mobile overlay of a popover list in a combobox.

Medium and large

Chip fields use popover menus to present values.

A Create listing screen that features a combobox with a popover list and chips.


A chip sits above three chips in a combobox with detailed specs showing dimension indicators in pink. Dimensions for singular chip: Padding on the left and right of content is 12px, padding between title and delete button is 8px, and chip height is 32px. Dimensions for chips in combobox: Padding on the left of the content is 8px, padding on the right of the content is 16px, padding between chips is 8px, padding between chip-values and value-entry is 8px, padding between dropdown button and content is 8px, and height of chip-values and value-entry is 32px each.

Change log

Sep, 2024
  • Updated to Evo
Mar, 2024
  • Initial release