

Checkboxes allow the user to select multiple options from a list or a single yes/no option.

Stylized artwork of a checkbox list.


Checkbox diagram with 2 elements numbered: 1. Checkbox, 2. Label.
  1. Checkbox
  2. Label



A label is required for all checkboxes. They should be short and represent a value or yes/no decision.

A checkbox with a label.


There are two sizes available. Large is the default and is preferred on smaller screens. The smaller checkbox can be used for dense layouts, but are less tap-friendly.

Two checkboxes: a Large checkbox with a 24px height sits to the left of a Small checkbox with a 18px height.


A checkbox can be unselected, selected, or indeterminate. A checkbox is indeterminate if it includes both selected and unselected options.

Three checkboxes: an unselected checkbox with a label, a selected checkbox with a label, and an indeterminate checkbox with a label.


A checkbox can be disabled in any state if there is a prerequisite to activate.

Three checkboxes: a disabled unselected checkbox with a label, a disabled selected checkbox with a label, and a disabled indeterminate checkbox with a label.


A single discrete checkbox can be used for yes/no decisions within a form.

A selected checkbox with the label ‘Send me occasional email updates’.


Label overflow

Labels will wrap if they are wider than the parent container. The checkbox remains aligned to the top of the text box.

A selected checkbox with the label ‘I agree to the terms and conditions’ spanning two lines.



Android devices leverage the native Material checkbox component.

A checkbox list in a bottom sheet on an Android mobile device.


iOS devices leverage the native checkbox component.

A checkbox list in a bottom sheet on an iOS device.


Checkboxes are either form-based or menu-based. Form-based checkboxes are the traditional checkboxes used in HTML form elements. Menu-based checkboxes appear in dropdown menus and in panel dialogs.

A checkbox list with the title ‘Choose language’ in a bottom sheet on mobile web.
A selected ‘Free shipping’ checkbox under a ‘Shipping Options’ dropdown, and a selected ‘Free Returns’ and an unselected ‘Returns Accepted’ checkboxes under a ‘Show only’ dropdown on a side menu on Desktop.

Best practices


Do use checkboxes when multiple elements can be selected at once.

A ‘Filter by color’ checkbox list with three options: Black, White, and Yellow. The White and Yellow boxes are selected.

Don’t use checkboxes when only one option can be chosen at a time.

A ‘Choose app theme’ checkbox list with three options: Light, Dark, and System theme. The Dark box is selected.


Checking a box is a positive, enabling action or opt-in.

A selected checkbox with the label ‘I agree to the terms and conditions’.

Don’t mix verbiage on the labels, a checkbox shouldn’t be utilized for opting out.

A selected checkbox with the label ‘Unsubcribe from monthly newsletter’.


Labels have built-in interactivity. In web browsers, clicking the label toggles the checkbox value.

A selected checkbox with the label ‘Stay signed in?’.

Do not add additional interactivity to the label, such as tooltips. This will conflict with the browser’s native behavior.

A selected checkbox with the label ‘I agree to the terms and conditions’. The checkbox has a tooltip assigned with the message ‘Checking the box indicates agreement with the terms and conditions.’

Single responsibility

A checkbox should be used independently for multi-select elements without incorporating other behaviors or nested controls.

A ‘Filter by color’ checkbox list with three options: Black, White, and Yellow. The White and Yellow boxes are selected.

Don’t overload the checkbox with additional behaviors, such as expansions.

A ‘Select store categories’ checkbox list with three options and and expansion behaviors: Parts & Accessories (500 items), Fashion (10 items), and Home & Garden (2 items). The Parts & Accessories (500 items) checkbox is selected.

Single checkbox

Do use a single checkbox for selections. They usually need to be submitted for a change to occur.

A selected checkbox with the label ‘Stay signed in?’.

Don’t use a single checkbox for activation or immediate application. Use a switch instead.

A selected checkbox with the label ‘Auto-detect country’.


A small and large checkbox is displayed with detailed specs showing dimension indicators in pink. The small checkbox size is 18px, and the space between the small checkbox and the label is 12px. The large checkbox size is 24px, and the space between the large checkbox and label is 16px.

Change log

Sep, 2024
  • Updated to eBay Evo
Jan, 2022
  • Updated to Evo styling
  • Updated on state to use core.neutral.7