Education notice


Education notices are supplemental, contextual messages that educate users about programs, features and opportunities.

  • Skin
  • CoreUI
  • React



Education modules help users immediately access additional information.


Education modules use icons to help support the message, explain a concept, or create a visual connection to the value prop.


Education modules can be actionable and/or dismissable and have 2 levels of visual prominence to scale to all use cases.


Number 1 points to an icon in the top left corner of the education notice. Number 2 points to the title directly following the icon. Number 3 points to a string of body copy on its own line, directly under the icon and title. Number four points to an “X” close icon in the top right corner of the notice. Number 5 points to the action which is underlined text on it’s own line directly under the body copy.
  1. Icon
  2. Title
  3. Body
  4. Close/dismiss
  5. Action


Background color

Education notices can have blue or gray backgrounds. Choose a background color based on the message's prominence and the page's hierarchy. Blue education notices are more noticeable, but can be overwhelming when there’s a lot of adjacent colors. Gray education notices are less prominent, but better suited for pages with a lot of color.

Two education notices stacked on top of each other. The first one has a light blue background and the second one has a light gray background.

Icon color

The leading icon can be black or blue. They are black by default, but approved program badges can use blue. If the blue is too prominent or noisy, program badges can use black as well. For more information, please refer to Program Badges.

Two education notices stacked on top of each other. The first one has a light blue background and black icon. The second one has a light gray background with blue icon.


A bolded title is required. The title quickly summarizes the purpose of the notice. Titles have a maximum character count of 55 characters.

One education notice with a shoe icon and title next to it that says, “Save your shoe size”. Body copy below it says, “Add your shoe size(s) so we can provide customized results for you.” The action below body copy says, “Save size”.


The body text is required. The text should be succinct and avoid repeating elements of the title. The body copy has a maximum character count of 120 characters.

One education notice with a blue checkmark icon and title next to it that says, “Authenticity Guarantee”. Body copy below it says, “We guarantee your item is authentic or your money back, no questions asked.”


A leading icon is available to increase visibility and drive recognition of a feature or program. The icon relates directly to the messaging. If the message is about a program, use the respective program badge.

Two education notices stacked on top of each other. The first one has a checkmark icon and the second one has a tag icon.


Education notices can include a dismiss button that removes the alert from the page. This is useful for general or supplemental information that users may only need once.

An education notice with an “X” close icon in the top right corner that dismisses the notice.


Education notices can include a link button informing users of additional information or a supporting action.

On small screens, the action is stacked below the content, while on large screens, the action is inline to the right.

One education notice that says, “Sell for free this month! Get 500 listings until March 31st.” and an underlined link showing “Start selling” action.



Education notices are contextual; they should be placed close to a relevant page section. For example, a payment message appears above a payment section. Similarly, a Guarantee Trust message is located further down the checkout page, just before the purchase button.

A checkout screen with an education notice at the top of the page that reads, “New ways to pay. Use two ways to pay on one purchase.” This notice appears right above a section called “Payment” .
An education notice that appears right above the payment button at the bottom of the checkout page.


A checkout screen with a page level notice that appears above an education notice.

Page level alerts are displayed above any education notices.

A checkout screen with a section notice that appears above an education notice.

Section level notices are also displayed above any education notices if they’re referring to the same section.


The minimum width for education notices is 288px.

Education notice with a a dimension indicator showing a width of 288 pixels.


Title and body copy will wrap if wider than the container. Action labels should avoid wrapping.

An education notice with a title that wraps to 2 lines and body copy that wraps to 3 lines.


Education notices can appear in a carousel when there are multiple related notices. If a notice is dismissible, the content shifts to fill the open spot after a notice is removed. The width doesn’t change to fill available space.

A web page that has a carousel of 3 related education notice’s lined up horizontally under the title “latest recommendations”. Each notice has a close icon in the top right corner.

Screen sizes


On small screens, education notices always extend to fill all columns and have rounded corners. Dismiss is always right top-aligned and the action is left-aligned below the body content.

An education notice on a mobile page that extends to fill all columns and has rounded corners. Dismiss action right top-aligned and the action is left-aligned below the body content.


On medium screens, education notices also extend to fill all columns and have rounded corners. Dismiss is always right top-aligned and the action is left-aligned below the body content.

An education notice on a tablet page that extends to fill all columns and has rounded corners. Dismiss action is right top-aligned and the action is left-aligned below the body content.


On large screens, education notices extend to their maximum width.

An education notice on a desktop page that extends to fill all columns and has rounded corners. Dismiss action is right top-aligned and the action is left-aligned below the body content.

Best practices


Do keep titles in bold and body copy in regular weight to maintain visual separation from the action.

Education notice with a bolded title and regular weight body copy.

Don’t use bold weight for the body copy. The action becomes more difficult to discern from the main content.

Education notice with a bolded title and bolded body copy.


Do use black for all icons that are not an approved program badge.

Education notice with a black thumbs up icon.

Don’t make generic icons that aren’t approved badges blue.

Education notice with a blue thumbs up icon.


Do ensure alert notices appear above education notices when they occupy the same space.

Mobile check out page with an alert notice that appears above an education notice.

Don’t place education notices above alert notices when occupying the same space.

Mobile check out page with an education notice that appears above an alert notice.


An alert notice with detailed specs showing dimension indicators in pink. Padding above icon and title is 24px. Padding on left and right of content is 24px. Padding between the title text box and close icon is 12px. Padding underneath title and above body copy is 16px. Padding under action is 24px. Corner radius is “radius.large”.

Change log

Jun, 2024
  • Updated to eBay Evo
Jan, 2024
  • Increases title size
  • Increases gap spacing
  • Increases radius
  • Increases padding
  • Removes “title?” boolean property
  • Removes “orientation” property
Feb, 2023
  • Component created