
Get inspired by this collection of work that shows our iconography at its best.

Icons in product

An ad for eBay Refurbished electronics with a deal for 40% off. A checkmark rosette icon is used in the top overline, and the color scheme is a vibrant pink.
A My eBay mobile design with an avatar and username at the top, followed by a list of navigation icons and names.
A View Item desktop design of a white modern mesh athletic shoe. Icons are used in the top navigation, next to the profile area, and in the Why to Buy area. Icons include a heart, cart, trophy, star, shield with checkmark, and truck.
A store/profile lockup with an avatar next to the name “ShoeGuySam”, “Brooklyn, NY”. A star icon is used next to “4.9” and a package icon next to “1,200 sold”. There are three buttons below with icons and text. From left to right reads “Save seller” with a heart icon, “Share” with a share icon, and “Report” with an attention icon.
A mobile design with a tourtip. The tourtip has the title “Edit with more control” and points to three icons that are isolated. The icon buttons contain search, edit, and settings icons.

Icons in marketing

A white tote bag with the eBay logo and the text "Things People Love," featuring a heart and globe icon on the bottom. The tote bag is placed on an orange chair with a simple, modern backdrop.
Three woman holding colorful handbags with a large Authenticity Guarantee checkmark icon placed in the middle.
A cool looking guy in fashionable streetwear and sunglasses sitting on a white table in front of a bright red wall with the text “Things.People.Love” and a large heart and globe icon.

Change log

Jun, 2024
  • Updated to eBay Evo
  • Updated examples