Confirmation indicators

Confirmation indicators express confirmation, verification, and fitment throughout eBay.


A confirmation indicator is a lockup consisting of our green filled check mark icon combined with descriptive text.

A detailed spec of a confirmation indicator lockup. Number 1 points to the confirmation filled icon. Number 2 points to the confirmation text “Fits your vehicle”. Number 3 points to the full lockup.
  1. Icon
  2. Text
  3. Lockup


Confirmation indicators come in both 16px and 24px icon lockups and use regular-weight text.

Two confirmation indicator lockups with icons and text. The top is 24px and the bottom is 16px.


Confirmation indicators use our green success color token. Learn more by visiting our Color tokens page.

A pill graphic containing a circle in green with the text “color.foreground.success”.



Confirmation indicators are used to confirm when an item fits a vehicle for parts and accessories. The filled confirmation check mark should only be paired with regular-weight text. Fitment can extend to a variety verticals.

A phone screen with a search results page of car headlights. The item tiles have a confirmation indicator with the text “Fits your vehicle”.


Confirmation indicators are used to show success. Examples include when an item is added to a cart, an item has been delivered, or when a response has been sent.

A bottom sheet design with a confirmation indicator at the top with the text “Added to Cart”.


Text wrapping

When content is forced to wrap to 2 lines, the text is left aligned on the right side of the check mark. Text wrapping can occur during translation for other languages.

A phone screen with a search results page of car headlights. The item tiles have a confirmation indicator with wrapping text in German.

Best practices

Do use our success color token for the filled confirmation check mark.

A green filled confirmation checkmark icon next to the text “Fits your vehicle”.

Don’t use other colors for the filled confirmation check mark.

A blue filled confirmation checkmark icon next to the text “Fits your vehicle”.

Don’t use an unfilled version of the confirmation check mark.

A green checkmark icon with a stroke and no fill next to the text “Fits your vehicle.

Don’t use icons to replace the filled confirmation check mark.

A green thumb up icon next to the text “Fits your vehicle.

Don’t mix regular and bold text weights.

A green filled confirmation checkmark icon next to the text “Fits your vehicle”, but “vehicle” is bolded.

Don’t create your own color combinations for confirmation indicators.

A green icon next to gray text.


A detailed spec for a confirmation indicator combining icon and text. The green confirmation checkmark is 24px, followed by 8px of space, and then “Fits your vehicle” text using the Subtitle 2 - 16/24 regular type style.


A detailed spec for a confirmation indicator combining icon and text. The green confirmation checkmark is 16px, followed by 6px of space, and then “Fits your vehicle” text using the Body - 14/20 regular type style.



To discuss icon needs, reach out to the OneExperience (OX) team or sign up for office hours.

Change log

Jun, 2024
  • Updated to eBay Evo
  • Added anatomy section
  • Added specs section
May, 2024
  • Add section for “Context”
Oct, 2022
  • Page created for confirmation indicators