Using type in digital

We use pre-defined type styles in our type ramp for all typography used in product, landing pages, digital ads, and emails.

Our type ramp

Our type ramp is made up of 14 named styles. Each style is a combination of pre-defined size, weight, line height, and letter spacing values.

NameSizeLine heightLetter spacingLetter space
Display+Size 46+Line height 100%Letter space -4%
Display 1Size 46Line height 52Letter space -2%
Display 2Size 36Line height 44Letter space -2%
Display 3Size 30Line height 36Letter space -2%
Title 1Size 24Line height 32Letter space 0%
Title 2Size 20Line height 28Letter space 0%
Title 3Size 16Line height 24Letter space 0%
Subtitle 1Size 20Line height 28Letter space 0%
Subtitle 2Size 16Line height 24Letter space 0%
Body boldSize 14Line height 20Letter space 0%
BodySize 14Line height 20Letter space 0%
Caption boldSize 12Line height 16Letter space 0%
CaptionSize 12Line height 16Letter space 0%
Signal 1Size 14Line height 20Letter space 5%
Signal 2Size 10Line height 12Letter space 5%

Type hierarchy

Both the size and weight of our typography contribute to creating clear hierarchy. The type sizes we use in UI and digital marketing are pre-defined in our type ramp. They’re used for disclaimers, body copy, links, and headlines. See Using type in print for guidance on how to calculate type sizes for print material.

Banner with text on left side and product links on right. Text is all labelled with a number. From top left to bottom right: #6: 20% off tech. #1: Head outside & pay over time, heading. #3: Get 5.9% APR with 12 or 24 easy payments on eBay. #4: Shop now, button. #5. Good through April 1, 2024. #2: Beats Fit Pro, link.
  1. Display
  2. Title
  3. Subtitle
  4. Body
  5. Caption
  6. Signal

Type styles

The headline “Motor culture lives here” highlighted with the number 1.


Display styles are 30px and larger and utilize tighter letter spacing. They are the largest and most expressive styles used in digital.

The title “eBay Money Back Guarantee” highlighted with the number 2.


Title styles are 16, 20, or 24px and are used as short headlines in ads, section titles, and notices.

The subtitle “Get 5.9% APR with 12 or 24 easy payments on eBay.” highlighted with the number 3.


Subtitles are 16 or 20px in regular weight. They're generally used for supporting larger title copy in ads, banners, and section titles.

Body text highlighted wih the number 4.


Body copy can be regular or bold and is always 14px. It’s used for descriptive text in short strings and paragraphs.

The caption “By tapping "Buy now," you agree to pay taxes and fees.” highlighted with the number 5.


Captions are always 12px and used for disclaimers, legal copy, and terms & conditions.

The signal “Authenticity Guarantee” in all caps next to an icon highlighted with the number 6.


Signals are in all caps with 5% letter spacing in either 10 or 14px. They’re used for short status tags in banners and signal components.

Decoration styles

The link “Get in touch” highlighted with a gray dot.


Links are always underlined to show that they’re actionable. Links are used in body copy, subtitles, and captions to give users more info or take them to a new page.

The strikethrough “$70.99” next to a bold price “$29.99” highlighted with a gray dot.


Strikethrough copy is used in prices to show a discount. They're always regular weight and sit next to the price.


This section shows how each type style scales from small to large screens. Dynamic sizing ensures that each page and component retains hierarchy and visual harmony at all screen sizes. Type styles 14px and smaller always stay the same size across screen sizes. Type styles 16px and larger generally stay the same on large and medium screens, and scale down one style on small screens. Scaling behavior is built into each component and some components scale type differently. See the Design System for specific scaling behavior of each component and/or pattern.

Small range includes 320px min, 360px Android & HTML, and 375px iOS. Medium range includes 512px, 768px, and 1024px. Large range includes 1280px, 1440px, and 1679px max. 1680+ px are in a different range.
ExamplesSmall screenMedium screenLarge screen
Tall banner titles
Display 3 (30px)
Display 2 (36px)
Display 1 (46px)
Short banner titles
Display 3 (30px)
Display 3 (30px)
Display 2 (36px)
Page titles
Title 1 (24px)
Display 3 (30px)
Display 3 (30px)
Section header titles
Title 2 (20px)
Title 1 (24px)
Title 1 (24px)
Dialog titles
Title 3 (16px)
Title 2 (20px)
Title 2 (20px)
Navigation bar titles
Title 3 (16px)
Title 2 (20px)
Title 2 (20px)
Tall banner body
Body (14px)
Subtitle 2 (16px)
Subtitle 1 (20px)
Section header subtitles
Body (14px)
Subtitle 2 (16px)
Subtitle 2 (16px)
Item tile titles
Body (14px)
Body (14px)
Body (14px)
Signals in banners
Signal 1 (14px)
Signal 1 (14px)
Signal 1 (14px)
Caption (12px)
Caption (12px)
Caption (12px)
Signal components
Signal 2 (10px)
Signal 2 (10px)
Signal 2 (10px)


Three smartphone screens displaying eBay advertisements. The first screen shows the eBay logo on a green background. The second screen features a luxury handbag as a large item tile with text. The third screen shows an older woman in a stylish dress with the large text 'Shop timeless style' on a green background.


Change log

Jun, 2024
  • Created with eBay Evo
  • Added “Display+” to show anything larger than 46px
  • Updated “Giant 3” to “Display 1” and decreased letter spacing from 0% to -2%
  • Updated “Giant 2” to “Display 2”, decreased letter spacing from 0% to -2%, and updated line height from 46px to 44px
  • Updated “Giant 1” to “Display 3”, decreased letter spacing from 0% to -2%, and updated line height from 40px to 36px
  • Updated “Large 2” to “Title 1”
  • Updated “Large 1 bold” to “Title 2”
  • Updated “Large 1 regular” to “Subtitle 1”
  • Updated “Medium bold” to “Title 3”
  • Updated “Medium regular” to “Subtitle 2”
  • Updated “Body regular” to “Body”
  • Updated “Small bold” to “Caption bold”
  • Updated “Small regular” to “Caption”
  • Updated “Overline large” to “Signal 1”
  • Updated “Signal smallest” to “Signal 2”