Using our logo

Our logo is evocative and versatile to reflect the diversity of people and products on our platform. It can express a huge range of emotion and scale in different contexts.

eBay packaging: square cardboard boxes in a grid with white text and logo.


We use our traditional 4-color logo wherever possible, but especially in scenarios that require strong brand recognition and trust. Examples include our homepage, transactional emails, and financial applications. Just remember to only use the heritage logo on white, neutral 200, and black backgrounds.

The colored eBay logo over a white background.
The colored eBay logo over a black background.
A billboard layout made of text in the upper left, logo in the lower left, and 3 square images overlapped moving to the upper right with bright colors.

Black and white

We use our black logo on white and light gray backgrounds. We use our white logo on black, dark gray, and photo backgrounds. For all approved color combinations, see the Color pairing tool.

Black eBay logo on white background.
White eBay logo on black background.
An email layout with a group of people holding a variety of colorful bags in the banner image. The eBay logo is in the upper left corner.

Tone on tone

When dealing with lighter color-filled backgrounds, use the darkest shade of the background color for the logo fill. For examples of how to do this successfully, see Logo showcase.

A yellow tone-on-tone combination of a dark brown logo on a vibrant yellow background.
An orange tone-on-tone combination of a dark orange logo on a vibrant orange background.
A vibrant jade-colored background with dark jade text and logo next to 3 stacked white squares with a variety of handbags inside. The logo is in the bottom left corner.



Jun, 2024
  • Updated to eBay Evo
  • Updated examples for heritage, black and white, and tone on tone