Using color in illustration

Our illustrations use our full color palette to evoke depth and reality. The broad range of colors and shades more accurately represents the people and objects in our storytelling. This is where we have the most fun with color.

Full color palette

Our full color palette has 17 color families with 8 shades in each family—that equals 136 total colors. We use these colors to capture detail and mimic the reality of each illustration's subject matter. Select a color to view the hex, Pantone, and CMYK values.


















Color in illustration

All the main colors in our illustrations are from our full palette. They've been strategically chosen to both set a mood and ensure enough contrast to be legible on various background colors. Skin tones are the only colors we use in illustrations that are not in our palette.

Color strategy

Every illustration has a primary color and 2 secondary colors associated with it. Generally, one secondary color complements the illustration's primary color and the other is a neutral. This strategy ensures that each illustration has a focus color that stands out on the background color. It's important for each illustration to have visual variety and not blend in too much with the background color.

Background colors

Each illustration has 6 different pre-determined background colors that ensure good visual contrast. Use the background colors provided for each illustration. If you need customized colors for an illustration, please reach out to the OneExperience (OX) team or sign up for office hours.

Dark mode

In most instances, our illustrations do not change between light and dark mode. But in a few rare cases where the background changes in dark mode, some illustrations do as well.

Illustrations with colored backgrounds

Illustrations that use a background color (in things like banners, education cards, and modals) do not change color in dark mode. If there’s text above or below the illustration in a separate container, those colors will invert. The illustration itself is treated like an image and keeps its original background color.

Illustrations without backgrounds

When illustrations without a background color are used on plain white backgrounds (like in empty states), all elements on the page will invert. Most illustrations work on both light and dark backgrounds, but some need adjustments to ensure legibility against black.

Color customization

If you want a new color scheme for a specific illustration, do not re-color anything on your own. To discuss custom coloring, reach out to the OneExperience (OX) team or sign up for office hours.


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Jun, 2024
  • Created with eBay Evo