eBay Evo
a new unified system.

Evo is eBay's global design system, designed to inspire discovery and connect people with the things they love.

Inspired by how people discover.

Examples of brand photos featuring colorful backgrounds and collectibles, jewelry, and fashion items.

Powered by our community.

A UI screen featuring a red plastic chair.
Examples of advertising cards featuring colorful backgrounds and collectibles, partnerships, fashion, and motors items.

Embracing evolution.

Expanding design primitives to create bold expressions. Our custom illustration and icon libraries, proprietary type, story-driven photography, and fully accessible color palette work together to scale globally and flex locally.

  • Real.
  • Spirited.
  • Smart.
  • Dependable.
A colorful illustration of a woman looking at her phone and smiling. She is wearing a bright purple top and is on top of a vibrant yellow background. Floating items are placed around the top, left, and right of her.
eBay packaging in a grid on a gray table. The boxes are brown cardboard with white type, logo, and icons.
A series of posters on the side of a building. They all have different fashion related imagery of sneakers, tops, and bags with "We have things people love." as the headline.
A graphic tote bag with "Things.People.Love" hanging over the back of a bright green chair.
A colorful illustration of a woman riding a bike with 3 eBay boxes strapped to the front and back racks of her bike.

Explore eBay’s Evo Design System.