Object styles in product

Object styles provide structure and communicate shared behavior between elements.


Border width is used to define structure and separation. View all border tokens.

Subtle - 0.5px

The subtle border width is reserved for navigation elements like the tab menu on compact screens.

A phone screen highlighting the 1.5 px subtle stroke border at the top of the bottom navigation bar.

Default - 1px

The default border width is used to illustrate the boundary of components and divide content.

A small and large tertiary button, input field, and divider line stacked vertically all with a 1px stroke border applied.

Strong - 2px

Strong borders are used to emphasize elements that primarily use borders for their structure, like tabs. Focus outlines also use the strong border width.

A tab list with a thick 2px stroke for the active tab on top of a tertiary button that has the blue focused state border applied.


Radius is used widely throughout our system. Each radius size is intentionally applied to select elements. View all radius tokens.

Default - 8px

The default radius is the most common radius size. It’s applied to input fields and most component containers. It’s also applied to images with short edges smaller than 80px.

Drop down, input field, tooltip, and snackbar stacked with a pink circle in the upper left corner of each highlighting the 8px corner radius.

Large - 16px

The large radius applies to popovers, modal containers, and images with short edges 80px and larger.

A modal stacked on top of a bottom sheet with a pink circle in the upper left corner of each highlighting the 16px corner radius.

Extra large - 24px

The extra large radius applies to more expressive components like banner dialogs.

A banner dialog with a pink circle in the upper left corner highlighting the 24px corner radius.

Full - 50%

Full rounding is reserved for buttons, notification badges, and priority signals. This shape is meant to draw attention.

A badge, small tertiary button, signal, and large tertiary button with a pink circle on the left hand side of each highlighting the full, 50% corner radius.


Circles are reserved for avatars and icon buttons.

A mobile web top navigation bar with an avatar and icon button next to each other with pink circles highlighting each as circles.


Drop shadow is used for transient and fixed elements. View all shadow tokens.


The subtle shadow is only used in persistent navigation elements. This provides separation without being distracting.

A mobile design with a top nav bar and a subtle shadow applied to the bottom of it.


The strong shadow is reserved for transient elements, like popovers, snackbars, and tooltips. It remains the same for all components and screen sizes.

Tow rows with components inside. The top is in light mode with a popover menu and a snackbar with the strong shadow applied. The bottom row is in dark mode with the same components and shadow applied and the shadow disappears.


Change log

Jun, 2024
  • Updated to eBay Evo
Jul, 2023
  • Added extra large radius
Mar, 2023
  • Generalized to shape and style
  • Added shadow section
  • Added border width section
Apr, 2022
  • Established new shape system