Masonry grid

Masonry creates a deterministic grid layout, positioning items based on available vertical and horizontal space. It contains performance optimizations like virtualization and support for infinite scrolling.



Masonry is an immersive storytelling method for showing browsable content.


Since masonry displays content collectively and cohesively, item tiles can be scanned quickly to preview and compare.


Masonry is attention-grabbing without being overwhelming.




A large screen design with a masonry grid and “See more” tertiary button at the bottom.


Screen sizes

Best practices


A detailed spec of a large screen masonry grid using the pill version. From top to bottom is title, filter bar, and grid. There is 16px of space between the title and filter bar and 16px of space between the filter bar and grid. 16px gutters are used between item tile columns and 16px of space vertically between tiles. There is 12px of space in the corners for pill pricing and save actions.


A detailed spec of a large screen masonry grid using the title version. There is 16px between the image and the title, 8px between title and price, 8px between price and program, 6px between program and Sponsored text, and 24px between tiles. The gutters between columns is 16px.

Item details

A detailed spec of a small screen masonry grid using the pill version. From top to bottom is title, filter bar, and grid. There is 16px of space between the title and filter bar and 16px of space between the filter bar and grid. 8px gutters are used between item tile columns and 8px of space vertically between tiles. There is 12px of space in the corners for pill pricing and save actions.


A detailed spec of a large screen masonry grid using the title version. There is 12px between the image and the title, 8px between title and price, 8px between price and program, 6px between program and Sponsored text, and 24px between tiles. The gutters between columns is 8px.

Item details


Change log

Jun, 2024
  • Updated to eBay Evo