Using motion in product

We use motion to help engage, navigate, and delight. Motion creates a more human experience by bringing our product to life.



Easing is a key principle not only in our system but in animation as a whole. There are numerous ways to enhance movement through animation curves. When comparing animations of the same time duration, you can convey different levels of responsiveness, elegance, playfulness, and other characteristics simply by adjusting the curve.


For both simple and complex motion interaction, ensuring that all elements work together enhances the overall experience. Remember that not all elements are required to have the same timing, animation curve, or action—they just need to be in harmony.


Motion allows us to manipulate the design hierarchy in order to solve problems that static design often can not. Successful motion interactions should be seamless and invisible but also focus the user’s attention when desired.


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Jun, 2024
  • Page created with eBay Evo