Interaction states

States communicate the status of a component in response to user interaction.

Three tiles with shoes inside are hovered over by a computer cursor. The last shoe tile is selected and an outline appears around it.



State changes are lightweight and distinct.


If multiple states occur simultaneously, like selected and hover, each will be clear and obvious.


State changes are similar across components throughout the system.


State layer

A state layer is a semi-transparent overlay applied to an element, acting as a visual indicator of its current state. Only one state layer can be active at a time.

Color fill

For elements with a container, a state-layer is added above the content. Each state increases the opacity by 4%. Dark mode uses white (#FFF) for the interaction layer instead of black.

Four text buttons stacked in a row in light mode. The first button is hovered by a hand pointer cursor with a state layer of black 4%. The second button is focused with a blue outline and a state layer of black 4%. The third button is pressed with a state layer of back 8%. The fourth button is being dragged with a closed hand icon and a state layer of black 12% and a drop shadow.
Four text buttons stacked in a row in dark mode. The first button is hovered by a hand pointer cursor with a state layer of white 8%. The second button is focused with a blue outline and a state layer of white 8%. The third button is pressed with a state layer of white 12%. The fourth button is being dragged with a closed hand icon and a state layer of white 16%.


Graphic elements use a heavier scrim to account for the variation in contrast and detail. Light and dark mode use black (#000).

Four image buttons stacked in a row in light mode. The image is of a watch. The first button is hovered by a hand pointer cursor with a state layer of black 12%. The second button is focused with a blue outline and a state layer of black 12%. The third button is pressed with a state layer of back 16%. The fourth button is being dragged with a closed hand icon and a state layer of black 20% and a drop shadow.
Four image buttons stacked in a row in dark mode. The image is of a watch. The first button is hovered by a hand pointer cursor with a state layer of black 12%. The second button is focused with a blue outline and a state layer of black 12%. The third button is pressed with a state layer of back 16%. The fourth button is being dragged with a closed hand icon and a state layer of black 20%.

No container

Elements that do not have a container, like links or pagination, use opacity to indicate a change in state. Light and dark mode use 60% opacity for hover states. The focused state does not receive the opacity shift.

Two rows of text links in light mode. The first row is a “See more” text link. The left example is hovered with a pointer hand icon and an opacity applied. The right example is a focused state with the blue stroke without the opacity applied. The second row is a page indicator with “1” in the same treatments.
Two rows of text links in dark mode. The first row is a “See more” text link. The left example is hovered with a pointer hand icon and an opacity applied. The right example is a focused state with the blue stroke without the opacity applied. The second row is a page indicator with “1” in the same treatments.

Disabled state

A disabled state uses a disabled color to de-emphasize non-interactive parts of the UI.

Disabled elements in light mode. From top to bottom is cta button, text field, toggle, radio button, and checkbox. All are grayed out. On hover an icon appears next to the cursor containing a circle with a diagonal line.
Disabled elements in dark mode. From top to bottom is cta button, text field, toggle, radio button, and checkbox. All are grayed out. On hover an icon appears next to the cursor containing a circle with a diagonal line.


Change log

Jun, 2024
  • Updated to eBay Evo
Feb, 2022
  • Page created